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Software Training / Web Coures

DevOps Training

Master the art of integrating development and operations with our DevOps course. Learn essential tools and methodologies to streamline software development and deployment processes.

Our DevOps training program covers the complete DevOps lifecycle, focusing on tools like Jenkins, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, and Ansible. You'll learn continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) practices, infrastructure as code (IaC), and automated testing. This course emphasizes practical experience with hands-on labs, real-world projects, and scenarios to help you understand the impact of DevOps on modern software development and deployment. By the end of the course, you will be proficient in creating efficient, reliable, and scalable software delivery pipelines.


Module 1:
  • Introduction and use cases of DevOps.
  • Understanding DevOps lab infrastructure on AWS.
  • Course overview.
  • Introduction to Linux Shell Scripting.
  • Creating shell scripts for day-to-day activities.
  • Understanding IF, WHILE and FOR statements in Shell Scripting.
  • Introduction to PowerShell Scripting.
  • Understanding Noun-Verb usage in PowerShell.
  • Installing PowerShell modules and using them.
  • Understanding IF, WHILE and FOR statements in PowerShell.
  • Creating scripts for regular user management and administration.
Module 2:
  • Version Controls and its significance
  • Introduction to Git version control application
  • Git Repositories & GitHub Authentication
  • Adding, Committing, Renaming & Deleting files
  • GitHub Branches, Merging &Web hooks
  • Understanding stash, diff, rebase, fetch, pull, and push.
  • Overview about Continuous Integration with Jenkins.
Module 3:
  • Introduction to Infrastructure asa Code.
  • Differences between Cloud Formation, Azure ARM & Terraform.
  • Basics of HashiCorp Terraform
  • Configuring Terraform Lab Platform
  • Understanding Terraform files
  • Terraform Providers, Variables & States, Locals.
  • Using Terraform Functions for Terraform Productivity.
  • Configuring Remote state using AWS Simple Storage Service(S3)
  • Understanding Terraform Functions.
  • Creating Terraform Modules.
  • Creating Workspaces in Terraform Enterprises(TFE)
  • Introduction to Packer
  • Create AWS AMI using Packer.
  • Integration of GitHub, Packer & Terraform with Jenkins.
Module 4:
  • Introduction to Containers & Docker
  • Docker architecture & Docker repositories
  • Pull, Create & Upload Docker images
  • Using Docker file and Docker Compose
  • Understanding Docker Networks
  • Understanding Docker Volumes
  • Creating Docker cluster using Docker Swarm
  • Docker Swarm Stacks and Container Placement
  • Docker Swarm Node Availability
  • Docker Swarm Rolling Updates
  • Docker Swarm secrets and Container health check
  • Introduction to Kubernetes
  • Deploying PODS, Services, Deployments.
Module 5:
  • Introduction to Ansible.
  • Differences between Ansible vs Puppet Vs Chef.
  • Understanding Ansible Architecture.
  • Configure Ansible Lab Platform.
  • Integrating Ansible with Terraform & Packer.
  • Creating & Using Ansible Playbooks.
  • Understanding & Using Ansible Roles.
  • Using Ansible Variables & Templates.
  • Leveraging Ansible Galaxy for Roles.
Module 6:
  • Introduction to Puppet
  • Puppet Architecture & Puppet components
  • Puppet Master & Client Installation & Configuration
  • Puppet Classes and Defined Types
  • Puppet manifests
  • Puppet Modules
  • AWS Puppet use cases
Module 7:
  • Introduction to Jenkins
  • Install & Configure Jenkins
  • Features & Master-Slave Architecture of Jenkins.
  • Configuring Slaves in EC2 and Docker Containers.
  • Configure Jenkins Job, RBAC, and Plugins.
  • Creating and managing Scripted and Declarative Pipelines.
  • Creating multi branch pipelines with Jenkins Blue Ocean.
  • Configuring CI/CD Pipeline.
  • Integrating with Maven & JFrog for spring boot Application.
  • Integrating With Sonarqube for Code Quality, Code Coverage and Bugs.
  • Integrating Jenkins with AWS, GitHub & Docker.
  • Configure Jenkins Notifications For Slack.
Module 8:
  • Introduction to Azure DevOps and Agile terminologies.
  • Creating User Stories,Issues, Epics, Kanban Boards.
  • Creating Repositories, Importing Code and Branching with Azure DevOps.
  • Creating Build Pipelines and Integrating with Azure, AWS Storage.
  • Creating and Pushing Docker Images using Azure DevOps.
  • Azure DevOps Builds and Artifacts.
  • CI/CD with Azure DevOps using Release Pipelines.
  • Integrating Terraform with Azure DevOps.
  • User Management for Azure DevOps using Azure Active Directory.
  • Azure DevOps Custom agent pools & Deployment Groups.
  • Integrating with Maven and JFrog.
  • Updating POM File for Spring Boot Applications.
Module 9:
  • Introduction to Static Code Analysis.
  • Installing Sonarqube and performing analysis.
  • Installing maven.
  • Maven lifecycle & Performing builds.
  • Understanding Maven Build LifeCycle.
  • Integrating with JFrog for Maven Deploy.
  • Introduction to Prometheus Monitoring.
  • Installing Prometheus and configuring Linux Server node exporter.
  • Creating Grafana Dashboards.
  • Understanding Alert Manager.

Course Fee: ₹ 15000    Duration: 50 DAYS